Varenita of Temecula

A Senior Assisted Living and Memory Care Center, Temecula, CA

“Charting The Course To Exceptional Development”

From a jurisdictionally constrained vacant and undeveloped property that had been effectively “locked” from development, ESG, Inc. provided the land acquisition due diligence, land use entitlement strategies and coordination  to successfully unlock the land; coordinating and processing the necessary approvals for a Development Permit, CUP, Parcel Merger and Summary Vacation, oversight and management of CEQA Compliance, environmental technical studies and Initial Study for a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), State of California and Federal Regulatory Agency approvals and Permits by California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Regional Water Quality Control Board U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to allow for development of a $30 Million dollar, 91,002 Square Foot, 110 Bed Senior Assisted Living and Memory Care Center.